Monday, November 8, 2010

WOF 1/4/10: Hilarious Epic Failure Quadruple - Regis Philbin and Kelly Ripa - Full Round

11/8/10 EDIT: This was an article link from the home page of and brings a lot to dissolve 11/5/10 Caitlin slept with Merv and Pat for their incredible ... I think 'm going to have to approve all comments first. Maybe later I will find a better title .... but I'm glad that guy came in and no finished R1 for $ 2500, is not as big losses as a result. I wonder if Regis & Kelly this morning to talk about his show ... XD The four missolves * here are thethe most I've ever seen a game of non-acceleration - and even though I am not an expert in the past, Wheel I'm pretty sure there are very few laps each with more than 2 I would appreciate it if anyone knew for sure if this was a record or not. It takes a certain kind of puzzle that this can happen, and certainly proper names is one that fits this bill (I'm pretty terrible in my name ... but I knew that!). I truly believe that cycling is more about mystery to emergency R2/R3 in order to maintainthe short deadline, but I can not prove, dass I think if Pat would have been longer than the end had joked that this was perfect material for him, but we are running very late today through this.

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