Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cold Dreams (1995), World 2 Ending

And then comes the final world, Third World Cold Dreams is an action / puzzle platformer immortality through the production year 1995. With a fusion between the middle-aged Egyptian and futuristic, it seems very similar to He-Man. Actually this is a fair comparison, because playing a muscular warrior on another planet, then, that a combination of ancient culture / sci-fi weapons and technology, and of course there are dinosaurs living there. With a little 'hacking and layout changes that can beRe-title is "He-Man through the maze of Eternia 'and did Skeletor, Hordak and King Hiss final boss! It would have been something? Enough dreaming, let the review of a game seems like a lot to do with this. The plot is that somewhere in the depths of the universe shines a sun without a name on the red planet Swandah. "collapsed caves of the red planet are interwoven with legends. Inside, the monsters and dragons and dismiss the old guard sectionsPassage of mortals. be the ultimate test of courage to cross the dark labyrinth and the fight against the heroes of the underworld. Many riders have already experienced the universe temptation to overcome this tendency. But no one has yet returned from Swandah ... Maybe you're the only ... "Each world is divided into four phases, and these are labyrinths in which the player must collect weapons and objects, solve puzzles and kill a monster, it has to go to the next maze. As...

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