Sunday, September 19, 2010

Runescape - August 4, 2010 Elite Treasure Trail Clue Scrolls Update!

Ah, finally, the update that everyone has been waiting for! And 'here that most of you probably want the new elements, but unfortunately, people pay tons for it, so unless your rich, I'm sorry for you. Here is the site you check out everything, including new awards and new puzzles (make sure to scroll down): Here's the original post about the update from Jagex: services.runescape. com Please register if you have not and leave comments. Thank you.Disclaimer _____Runescape !_____ Runescape ™ is a trademark of Jagex Ltd.. I am not the owner, nor work for them. I do not want any profit or advantage. I just set my videos for entertainment. Join us and play at

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