Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Average of 12 # 1 (22:13)

Update: I made 100 trigger on a train on 7/6/10, and my average time was 20.76 seconds to solve with a single best 15:29. Average of 12 3x3 solve in HD! In this video I'm using a type 1, which was sold in the '09 nationals. The cube is now retired and I'm using a 3x3 memory Haiyan. Get it on SpeedCubeShop.com trust me, it's worth the money. Let's say you buy them back at my recommendation, so I can write more striking riddle for you. Enjoy, comment, subscribe and rates. I need 700 HitSubscribers to be a tester for speedcubeshop.com rating and pumping a few puzzles. Please help me get there. Each submenu is one!

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